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Comedy Carpet

Comedy Carpet

Comedy Carpet

Bring a smile to your face when you stop to read some of the quotes in this truly hilarious artwork.

Created by artist Gordon Young, and designed in collaboration with Why Not Associates, the Comedy Carpet is a celebration of comedy on an extraordinary scale. Referring to the work of more than 1,000 comedians and comedy writers, the carpet gives visual form to jokes, songs and catchphrases dating from the early days of variety to the present. Located in front of Blackpool Tower, the 2,200m2 work of art contains over 160,000 granite letters embedded into concrete, pushing the boundaries of public art and typography to their limits.

A remarkable homage to those who have made the nation laugh, it’s also a stage for popular entertainment that celebrates entertainment itself.

Designed in a cross shape, the carpet links the entrance of the Blackpool Tower to the beach and connects the north and south sides of the promenade. Laid out in a grid pattern in strips of 10 slabs each, the work can be read in different directions, from close up and from the top of the tower, with the font varying in size from a few centimetres to over a metre.

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